Battlefield Safety
Battlefield Safety
1. Pyros are located in red flagged and/or minefield roped areas. Do Not enter these areas.
The pyrotechnics used by Battle Pyrotechnics, the Nww2A Pyro team, have a safety distance and a minimum safety distance. The safety Distance is the distance where it can be guaranteed the pyrotechnic charge will not cause Injuries anyone when it goes off. Remember when on the Battlefield This Safety Distance is the Crowd line. The marked out roped off areas which as a reenactor you MUST NOT enter on the battlefield are the MINIMUM safety distance.
As outlined above these areas are marked off because the explosive charges within them are dangerous and will cause you serious injury if you are too close to them when they detonate. Stay clear of the pyro areas before the battle because they contain live charges and accidental detonations can happen. After the battle Pyro areas may still be dangerous because all charges my not have detonated. Never Enter the roped off/flagged Pyro areas.
3. Do not “die” in the marked pyro areas
As already pointed out Never enter the marked Pyro areas on the battlefield. If you were to “die” in (or too close) to one of the pyrotechnics it would force the Pyro team to abandon that particular effect. It could result in the Battle being stopped. If you are not spotted and the charge is detonated it might result in serious personal injury.
5. For your own safety Please “die” facing away from the marked Pyro areas
The safety distance for the explosions used on the Battlefield is the Crowd-line. The minimum safety distance is the marked off areas within the Battlefield area. ‘Die’ well away from these areas and always ‘die’ facing away from them. Because we are working with a minimum safety distance there is the chance of debris, dust, heat etc being thrown up and out beyond the roped area. This should not cause serious injury but for your own safety you should be facing away from the nearest charges to minimise any risk.
6. Do not allow public to enter the battlefield for ANY reason before or after the battle. The Battlefield may contain misfired pyrotechnics that need to be disposed of in a controlled manner.
If you see a Members of the Public on or about to enter the battlefield area you should politely stop them and ask them to stay behind the crowd line. You can explain to them that it is for their own safety and the area may contain misfired pyrotechnics that may need to be disposed of in a controlled manner. If you are ignored, or feel you can’t handle the situation alone, find more experienced members of the Nww2A to help you. Please avoid being confrontational.
7. Never Point a Weapon at Anyone
Battle reenactment may seem contrary to the basic weapons handling you will have already been taught. Its not! The rule still applies. Always aim above your battlefield ‘Target’s’ head or if the area is clear off to the side but be aware of all those around you. Just like real soldiers you should never cross someone else’s line of fire. It not only looks wrong it could be dangerous. Ensure you know the safety distance for the weapon you are using and remember a bolt action rifle is front venting so never fire too close to a fellow reenactor. That means no using ‘dead’ Enemy or Friends as cover. Be aware someone may be on the other side of the cover you are using. The Nww2A Insurance dictates that weapons must NOT be discharged within 20 meters of the crowd line when the weapon is pointing in the direction of the public.
8. Always ensure the weapon is pointing in a safe direction
It seems obvious until you think about it. A bolt action rifle front vents but most purpose built blank fire weapons (Pistols SMGs) top vent. Also be aware of where your HOT cartridges are ejecting ensure they are not spitting out over a fellow reenactor or members of the public.
9. Never enter a vehicle building with a loaded weapon
Weapons handling should have already taught you this rule. If you are required to fire from a vehicle during a battle reenactment ensure the muzzle and “Vent” of the weapon remains outside of the vehicle. If travelling in a vehicle magazines should be removed where possible. Also consider weapons safety when moving onto and exiting the battlefield. You may be required to pass through members of the public ensure the weapons Breach is Clear before doing so.
10. If you encounter an unattended weapon
Remember your Normal Safety Precautions (NSP’s). “Whenever a weapon is picked up, which has not been under an individual’s direct supervision it must be examined to make sure that it is not loaded. i.e. Normal Safety Precautions (NSP’s) must be carried out.“
11. Ensure you find out what the battle plan is, and when the battle starts.
12. Remember to wear ear protection at all times
The blank fire weapons and charges used in the Nww2A Battle reenactment are loud and will cause hearing damage especially over a period of time
13. If you are taking part in the battle reenactment attending the Battlefield Walk-Through briefing is Compulsory.
Test firing of all weapons: Information about the test firing of Weapons is normally included in the standing orders. It is usually strictly limited to 15 Mins before the Firing Display and 15 Mins after the 1-minute silence.
You should ALWAYS confirm the exact timings with the NWW2A Health & Safety Officer first
Always Shout a loud clear warning of “TEST FIRE” then leave a short pause before firing.
Not all injuries will require the suspension of a battle reenactment. Where an injury is considered minor in nature and the casualty can be safely evacuated from the Display Arena, the re-enactment need not be suspended. The decision will be made by a Unit CO, 2IC or first aider. If there is ANY doubt the battle reenactment shall be suspended.
Any person being evacuated from the Display Arena should be escorted (if possible) by a first aider if not then by someone else. Both the injured party and their escort shall (if possible and it is safe to do so) remove their headgear so as to identify themselves as non-combatants. The injured party will immediately report to a designated first aid point for treatment.
Injuries that do require suspension of the display in the arena.
If an injury occurs, and it is considered that immediate suspension of a battle re-enactment is required, the following procedures must be followed:
- The nearest CO, or 2IC to the incident shall make his way to the injured party, and the decision to suspend a display of a battle re-enactment shall be made by the Unit CO, 2IC or first aider in attendance.
- The signal for suspension of a display of a battle re-enactment shall be continuous blasts of a whistle and arms crossed above the head (the emergency signal).
Upon hearing/seeing the emergency signal the re-enactment shall cease immediately.
- All uninvolved reenactors to kneel down.
- All reenactors shall take reasonable steps to communicate the cessation of the battle to other reenactors on the Display Arena.
- All vehicular movement will stop immediately. Engines will be switched off and vehicles made safe.
- All pyrotechnic devices and weapons will be made safe.