Northern World War 2 Association Code of Conduct



1 The aims and objectives of the Northern World War 2 Association (hereafter referred to as the Association) are to: Positively promote, and portray by re-enactment, living history displays and other media, the history and events of the Second World War both overseas and on the home fronts; Honour those who lived, died and survived the conflict.

Code of Conduct

2 Every member will comply with the Association Rules and Code of Conduct.

3 Members shall take all reasonable steps to maintain an appropriate level of integrity and competence in all activities conducted under the banner of the Association (i.e. any activity to which the Association’s PLI cover applies).

4 Members must have regard for the health and safety of themselves and of others and be appropriately conversant with all relevant rules and regulations etc.

5 Unit COs shall take all reasonable steps to encourage and support the maintenance of appropriate levels of competence of their Unit Members.

6 In all their activities as members of the Association members shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, orientation, creed, religion, disability or age and shall seek to eliminate discrimination by others by promoting equality of opportunity. Members should respect the diverse customs and practices of others.

7 Members shall not partake in the consumption of alcohol or any other prohibited or intoxicating substance:
A) during the public open hours of an event; and
B) at any time during the day prior to a battle re-enactment (This requirement takes effect as of 00.01 hrs of the day in question)

8 Members will show respect by keeping noise to a minimum between the hours of 11:00pm and 08:00 am.

9 Members will co-operate with all reasonable requests made by their unit CO or any Board member.

10 Members shall not, in the name of the Association, make nor subscribe to any statements or reports which are contrary to the aims of the Association.

11 Members must ensure that they participate in events showing the required degree of integrity, accountability and competence. They must take all steps to ensure that their private, personal, political and financial interests do not conflict with their membership of the Association.

12 Members should take all steps to promote the aims and objectives of the Association and to uphold the integrity and good name of the Association. Members must refrain from any conduct which would detract from its reputation or which would bring the hobby as a whole into disrepute.

13 Members should behave with civility and common courtesy with no threatening or abusive comments to other members, event organisers and the public at any times including on the Forum, Social Media Sites and when meeting at events.

14 The Members Section of the NWW2A Forum is a private message board for the purpose of sharing members’ experiences, good and bad. The members Section will be the official means of communication between the Board and members of the Association.

Investigation of an Alleged Breach of the Code of Conduct

15 Any person may submit to the Board an allegation that a member of the Association has not complied with the Code of Conduct.

16 Any member who is involved in any capacity in an investigation carried out by the Association as a result of an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct must assist the Association in that investigation.

17 Such an allegation must be in writing and give full details of the alleged breach of the Code. The complainant must report the alleged breach to the Association within Twelve months of becoming aware of it unless there is good reason for the delay.

18 The allegation will be referred to an Investigative Panel for adjudication. The Panel will normally consist of the Elected Board of the Association.

19 The decision of the Investigative Panel will be by majority vote. If any members of the Panel have a conflict of interest, a close personal connection, present or past, with any of the parties involved in an allegation of misconduct, they shall not be eligible to serve on the Panel in respect of that matter.

20 In this event the Board will, if necessary, replace any Panel member with such other person as it shall consider appropriate to hear the matter, that person being a Unit CO unless this is not feasible.

21 In the event that any Board Member is a party to any allegation of misconduct he or she shall be precluded from participating in the selection of any member of the Panel to be convened to hear that allegation.

22 In the event of a tied vote, the chair of the Panel will have a casting vote.

23 Any member who violates this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including removal from the Association.

Revision March 2014